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A couple people have recently asked about making their own hiking pants. Roger Caffin wrote a nice article on the topic in 2007. If I had known about Roger's article when I proposed this I probably wouldn't have done so, but actually I do it a little differently, so if you read both articles you can pick and choose a little on the techniques and come up with a method that will work best for you.

I've been wearing my own pants for years and find this design to be comfortable and very durable. 90% of the time I alternate between two pairs of shorts that I've worn for several years and they're only starting to wear out. I have both pants and shorts so I'll describe both. This is a pretty easy project. The last pair of shorts I did took about 3 hours to make.


  • Introduction
  • Specs
  • Shorts:
  • Pants:
  • Design Considerations
  • Tools
  • Pattern
  • Sewing
  • Summary

# WORDS: 3060
# PHOTOS: 29

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