Gear Recommendations
If you’re looking for recommendations for lightweight backpacking gear, here are the most popular resources among our members:
Publisher’s Gear Guide
This gear guide represents my personal recommendations for backpacking gear that is durable, lightweight, versatile and offers a very high level of performance for the cost.
Gear Recommendations for REI Members
The following list is our curated selection of lightweight backpacking gear that our guides, staff, and authors believe to be among the best stuff that you’ll find in the online catalog.
Member's Choice Awards
Nominated by Backpacking Light Members, these represent the most popular gear used by our membership.
Guide’s Gear Recommendations
The following gear represents some of our recommendations for participants in Backpacking Light’s Wilderness Adventures Program.
Masterclass Trip Planner & Gear List
View our hand-picked gear list for trip planning, as used in our masterclass and member treks.