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In Part 1 of this series, the objectives and equipment systems investigated are discussed. In addition, some moderately cool-temperature baseline studies were performed at temperatures above the freezing point. Finally, a process for predicting fuel requirements for group expeditions using the baseline data was presented as a case study. Be sure to review Part 1 before proceeding with Part 2. ARTICLE OUTLINE
  • Series Review
  • Part 2 Objectives
  • Influence of Temperature on Upright vs. Inverted Canister Systems
    • Comments:
  • Influence of Temperature
    • Comments:
  • Melting Snow
    • Comments on Snow vs. Water Boil Time and Fuel Consumption Ratios
    • Using a Pot With An Integrated Heat Exchanger
    • Comments:
  • Summary
  • Acknowledgment
# WORDS: 1620 # PHOTOS: 2
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