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ul type="disc" >
  • Fenix HL23 Headlamp#1
  • MSR Windboiler Stove#2
  • Black Diamond Distance Carbon Z Poles#3

    • In This Issue
      • The Skinny
      • My Take
      • More Info
    • MSR Windboiler Stove#2
      • A personal cooking system that is designed to work efficiently in high wind, using a propane canister for fuel, with all parts storing in pot.
      • The Specs
      • My Take
      • More Info
    • {Black Diamond Distance Carbon Z Poles#3}
      • The Skinny-The lightest poles that Black Diamond makes, intended for Distance Runners, Fast-Packers, and Adventure Athletes
      • The Specs
      • My Take
      • More Info

    # WORDS: 1120
    # PHOTOS: 5

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